Colour Me Happy Bouquet

  • CAD 25.39


  • Vase not included
  • A preferred arrival date option is available at checkout
  • Product may vary slightly from image shown.
    To maximize longevity and freshness, your flowers will be shipped in a BUD stage.

    A preferred arrival option is required at checkout.

    The Colour Me Happy bouquet is the perfect way to brighten mom’s day. Beautiful orange gerberas surrounded by ivory and yellow roses, green daisies, pink carnations, orange Asiatic lilies, pink alstroemeria, purple statice, yellow solidago and lush greenery. This hand-tied bouquet will arrive ready to be dropped into the vase of your choice to enjoy.                                                                                              Care Instructions:
    • Upon arrival, your bouquet may appear to be limp due to packaging and weather conditions. To maximize the life and beauty of your flowers, it is important to follow the care instructions below.
    • Fill a clean vase with fresh water and add flower food as instructed on the floral food label.
    • Cut the stems in a diagonal direction approximately 2.5 cm (1 in.) from the base of the stems.
    • Remove the lower foliage (foliage that may fall below the water line) to reduce the bacterial contamination of the water.
    • Place flowers in the vase.
    • Re-cut the flower stems and change water every 2 days to maintain freshness.
    • For longer lasting flowers, keep flowers in a cool area away from open windows, fireplaces or direct sunlight.
    • Do not store near ethylene sources (fruits, gas, etc.).

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